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Тема: How to mod the enemy level (power) scalling to provide a sense of progression?
Offline Jack798

Сообщений: 3
Карма: 138 Известность: 69

« : 21.12.2009 05:46:38 »
There is one thing in the Space Rangers that I dont like, is that whenever I get better equipment/hulls, even when I use a trainer to give me a million credits, suddenly everyone else in the game start spawning with ridiculous hull and equipment.

In many games, Ive done many missions/quests, killed many dominators and other rangers and got the best equipment... then pirates start spawning with engines faster than mine. Lets say that Ive been economizing all my money to get a hull and upgrade it, once I get it, everyone else gets "upgraded".

Its like the computer is cheating. Like in need for speed games where when you are the first one in the race, the computer catches up to you.

Its like that RPG game called Oblivion, where enemies level scale with you, even a rat gets insanelly powerfull when you are.

In space rangers 2 this breaks the fun of achieving things and progressing, because it removes the rewarding aspect of playing hard and surpassing the relative strenght of everyone else through real work. In space rangers 2 the enemies simply spawn with uber rare items, always having equal tech as me.

I want to know how to mod it. How to change the game so the other npcs progress not based on myself! Make them progress based on their planets tech level and the time of the game only, instead of my capital.

"Тройной ореон" за почётное второе место в стихотворном конкурсе "Романтика космоса - 2""Орден Дзухаллага" за лучший дебют на чемпионате "Квестомания""Орден Быка" за почётное третье место в чемпионате "Расхититель Гробниц"
"Орден Быка" за третье место в чемпионате по КР2 "Вторжение"."Орден Почётного Легиона" за активное участие в жизни форума свыше 1000 дней!Почётный "Калкитовый наконечник" за блестящую победу в чемпионате "Красная машина".
Почетный "Орден Единения" за блестящую организацию и проведение творческих конкурсов и викторин."Орден быка" за третье место в чемпионате "Зов судьбы"."Красный пантеон" за долгую и плодотворную работу в составе различных комиссий этого форума!
"Помутневшая клисанская рИгалия" — лучшему рейнджеру 2011 года, занявшему первое место в общесоревновательном рейтинге. Поздравляю, Yuuki! ;)"Медаль Элитной Охраны" — за выдающиеся заслуги перед форумом!"Зелёная миля" — награда почётному судье творческих конкурсов!
"Карта мира" — переходящая награда за первое место в рейтинге знатоков."Звезда Эгемона". Редчайшая награда Галактического Совета. Выдана за выдающиеся заслуги перед Форумом и за форумный стаж свыше 2000 дней"Помутневшая клисанская рИгалия" — лучшему рейнджеру 2013 года, занявшему первое место в общесоревновательном рейтинге. Поздравляю, Yuuki! ;)
"Символ Творца" — переходящая награда за первое место в творческом рейтинге
Offline Yuuki

Pokryschkin ist in der Luft!
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« Ответ #1 : 21.12.2009 12:04:30 »
Jack798, if you happen to find out that pirates owe the better equipment than that of yours, that means that your game strategy is really vulnerable. The game is settled to provide pirates and dominators with better equipment than you can buy, but the game doesn't forbid robbery. That is why I'd recommend you to think over a new tactic based on looted stuff. The only thing you can't steal is the hull, but you'd better make your best to win one of the super-hulls. ;)
even when I use a trainer to give me a million credits, suddenly everyone else in the game start spawning with ridiculous hull and equipment.
Every time you use cheats the game immediately updates to that new conditions.
Offline sbach2o

Сообщений: 9
Карма: 345 Известность: 109

« Ответ #2 : 21.12.2009 14:28:09 »
I know what you mean, but I do not think it is as bad as it appears.

I am currently playing a game on 156 % difficulty with most settings on hard, equipment degradation normal and scientists and equipment stores on the hardest setting. I rarely see anything good in the stores and have the impression that 'shops sell only outdated junk', or whatever the description of the item in the game settings is saying, applies only to me, not the rest of the galaxy. Even rangers - who do not seem to spawn with the typical min size, max upgrade stuff as pirates, battleships, whatever - have quite decent stuff (which may be due to them upgrading more diligently).

But by no means am I behind technologically. On the surface it may look like this. Very late game (Year 3330ish, I could finish the Dominator bosses, if I wanted to) stock Disintegrators at Techlevel 7, size 45 are commonplace while I am still using a mixed set of Multi-Resonators and Flow Blasters and an alternative weapon layout of 5x Rocket Launchers. These were state of the art probably at or before Year 10, although at lower levels than what I have equipped - I just upgraded slowly and steadily. These weapons keep up well with the more modern stuff while staying at a typically smaller size, so using these is rather by choice than due to lack of an alternative. I do have a couple decently sized Disintegrators and one Atomic Visions in store, but I prefer to stick to matched sets, and see no reason to make the switch from fragment to still larger beam weapons.

What I am going at, is that on their own these weapon sets keep up with the run of the mill Pirates, Rangers and Battle Ships. There are two things that tip the balance decisively in my favor:

First, there are Artifacts. Nobody but me uses them and due to these I cannot be scratched in battle. Second, nobody but me is using Pigamar and Myoplasmic equipment to any great effect. I started out with Pigamar, since early game Missile Launchers are without peer, later switched over to Myoplasmic. Not even a full set is needed to be well ahead of what all those Universed or whatever Disintegrators and Turbogravirs can dish out. And then there are the special hulls...

I wrote above that due to my game settings I rarely see anything good in the shops. But I was maybe still lucky in that on those rare occasions a few outstanding items still showed up. Just as an example, the first time search yielded a Missile Launcher, it was a size 20, techlevel 4 prototype, and I arrived in time to purchase it. Of course, only a few years later it was replaced by a size 10 item salvaged from pirate kills which was (plural: were, I had soon collected an almost full set of them) in turn replaced by something two techlevels higher, and so on.

Every time you use cheats the game immediately updates to that new conditions.

Is that confirmed fact? In that case, a connection between player's walth and technological progress may have some merits. Fortunately, I never used a cheat  ;)

One thing I have always been wondering about is what really determines how the NPC ships in the galaxy are equipped. It seems like the coaliton's technology level is scaling in some way to the player's achievements. I disregard a connection to the player's wealth as speculation that might be on the mark or not.

The obvious possibilities are:

* It depends just on the passage of time. In that case I didn't upgrade fast enough, if I didn't keep up.

* Player's score. This could appear like a connection to the players wealth since the two usually go hand in hand. If I were to design the game, I'd prefer the score to the wealth, since it is the more game relevant achievement.

* Player's wealth. Well, see above. It is possible, but I'd like to have confirmation by someone with inside knowledge. If wealth or money really plays such a role, the rewards for RTS missions must be toned down. They will quickly get much higher than any other mission rewards, if you play these frequently.

* The state of the Dominator war could play a role, but in my games, technology kept processing seemingly regardless of how that war went.

A side note: I saw in some post that on the harder settings for Dominator difficulty (on 'hard' even), they would be always ahead of the coalition's technology. I cannot confirm that from my two games on 'hard'. In fact, for me the Dominators are only ahead during the first couple years. As soon as I start kicking their cyber-butts, they are actually falling behind. This may just be coincidence, or is there a causal connection? I'd really like them to pose a challenge for longer, and that is my main beef with the quick technological progress of the coalition.

I probably should try 'hardboiled' Dominators. If only the first few years of the game weren't so depressing under that setting.
"Тройной ореон" за почётное второе место в стихотворном конкурсе "Романтика космоса - 2""Орден Дзухаллага" за лучший дебют на чемпионате "Квестомания""Орден Быка" за почётное третье место в чемпионате "Расхититель Гробниц"
"Орден Быка" за третье место в чемпионате по КР2 "Вторжение"."Орден Почётного Легиона" за активное участие в жизни форума свыше 1000 дней!Почётный "Калкитовый наконечник" за блестящую победу в чемпионате "Красная машина".
Почетный "Орден Единения" за блестящую организацию и проведение творческих конкурсов и викторин."Орден быка" за третье место в чемпионате "Зов судьбы"."Красный пантеон" за долгую и плодотворную работу в составе различных комиссий этого форума!
"Помутневшая клисанская рИгалия" — лучшему рейнджеру 2011 года, занявшему первое место в общесоревновательном рейтинге. Поздравляю, Yuuki! ;)"Медаль Элитной Охраны" — за выдающиеся заслуги перед форумом!"Зелёная миля" — награда почётному судье творческих конкурсов!
"Карта мира" — переходящая награда за первое место в рейтинге знатоков."Звезда Эгемона". Редчайшая награда Галактического Совета. Выдана за выдающиеся заслуги перед Форумом и за форумный стаж свыше 2000 дней"Помутневшая клисанская рИгалия" — лучшему рейнджеру 2013 года, занявшему первое место в общесоревновательном рейтинге. Поздравляю, Yuuki! ;)
"Символ Творца" — переходящая награда за первое место в творческом рейтинге
Offline Yuuki

Pokryschkin ist in der Luft!
Сообщений: 7109
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« Ответ #3 : 21.12.2009 18:04:02 »
sbach2o, oh, man, you are just lagging yourself behind using that junk like: desintegrators and turbogravirs!!! The "hardboiled" ;) players recommend using looted dominators' stuff - weapons of mass destruction: vertixes and IMHO-9000. To get this stuff you should:
1. wear special artefact 'air-blast localizer' (actually I'm not sure in its English name, but hope you can get what I mean);
2. wait for the 6-th galaxy techno-level (to know this - use a cheat 'vertix' and see the level of that vertix; this level is the same of galaxy's);
3. 'strip off' the ecventor or urgant (which possesses the desired vertix or IMHO) using anti-dom progs;
4. save/load changing days and circumstances of the ecventor death, until it gives you the so desired vertix or IMHO-9000.

In earlier game phases (difficulty=hard) you should use:
from 3300 - 3304/06 - missile-launchers;
from 3306 - 3309/12 - multiresonators or atomic visions;
3312 - up to the end - vertixes and IMHO-9000. 

Also, you shouldn't waste you time chasing shops for better purchase - forget it!!! :wise: Let a pirate/warrior/passenger/trader/dominator provide you with the better equipment you can ever buy. :evil: Hope you get what I mean? ;)
Is that confirmed fact?
Почётный орден "Звезда свободы" I-й степени за организацию разработки аддона "Революция", создание скриптов, моделирование и подбор наполненияOffline Ostap_Blender

Сообщений: 1425
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« Ответ #4 : 22.12.2009 02:35:41 »
Disintegrators :wise:
air-blast localizer
Blast wave localizer

"Тройной ореон" за почётное второе место в стихотворном конкурсе "Романтика космоса - 2""Орден Дзухаллага" за лучший дебют на чемпионате "Квестомания""Орден Быка" за почётное третье место в чемпионате "Расхититель Гробниц"
"Орден Быка" за третье место в чемпионате по КР2 "Вторжение"."Орден Почётного Легиона" за активное участие в жизни форума свыше 1000 дней!Почётный "Калкитовый наконечник" за блестящую победу в чемпионате "Красная машина".
Почетный "Орден Единения" за блестящую организацию и проведение творческих конкурсов и викторин."Орден быка" за третье место в чемпионате "Зов судьбы"."Красный пантеон" за долгую и плодотворную работу в составе различных комиссий этого форума!
"Помутневшая клисанская рИгалия" — лучшему рейнджеру 2011 года, занявшему первое место в общесоревновательном рейтинге. Поздравляю, Yuuki! ;)"Медаль Элитной Охраны" — за выдающиеся заслуги перед форумом!"Зелёная миля" — награда почётному судье творческих конкурсов!
"Карта мира" — переходящая награда за первое место в рейтинге знатоков."Звезда Эгемона". Редчайшая награда Галактического Совета. Выдана за выдающиеся заслуги перед Форумом и за форумный стаж свыше 2000 дней"Помутневшая клисанская рИгалия" — лучшему рейнджеру 2013 года, занявшему первое место в общесоревновательном рейтинге. Поздравляю, Yuuki! ;)
"Символ Творца" — переходящая награда за первое место в творческом рейтинге
Offline Yuuki

Pokryschkin ist in der Luft!
Сообщений: 7109
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« Ответ #5 : 22.12.2009 02:39:21 »
Oh, whatever...
Offline Jack798

Сообщений: 3
Карма: 138 Известность: 69

« Ответ #6 : 22.12.2009 03:02:47 »
Some months ago, someone named nctr repplied to me saying that the game used 3 factors to update the npcs stats, according to this:

Quote from: Jack798 on 28.07.2009 10:08:51

    3. What factors the game uses to define the size of rangers/transport/pirates hulls?

at generation, variables $current_game_day;  $galactic_capital;(not only player`s)  $bot`s_planet_tech_level. :crazy:

I play games for over 17 years now, and I have had experience with mods since 10 years ago.
What I want to know is what file should I modificate to remove/change the $galactic_capital from factoring in.
I love this game, but its not realistic, coherent, immersive, or rewarding to play under the concept of "level scalling".

Im not arguing this with anybody. Its not the point. I just want to know how to modificate this. I dont need help on how to play the game or how to appreciate it or what strategies to use, no offense to anybody. Its simply that free roam open ended role playing games only make sense with a sense of relative character progression, the whole point is to surpass the power curve by investing time and effort, doing quests, killing enemies, being a hero. The npcs on the game dont work for their stuff, they are spawned with it and the conditions are heavilly affected by me, this constitutes "level scalling" and its an abomination of design decision. I want to extirp it.

Can anyone on the russian side help? Could you guys make a topic in russian asking, please?

Just need to know what files to open, with wich program, and where to change.

Also, when I used a cheat, I didnt used the in-game cheats. I hacked the game myself to confirm the "level scalling". The game calculates the value of your equipped items and the money you have available. Even if you have the crappiest hull with the minimum equippment, if you give yourself one million the game will start spawning npcs with average 1000 hull, this in march 3300.

The tech level and the game time are MINOR factors, INSIGNIFICANT FACTORS. What really affects it the ammount of money you have+value of equipment.

The richer and better equipped you are, the stronger the enemies are, the more you waste in repairs. Its designed in a way that you dont really want the cream of the crop equipment, mainly the equipments that matter most.

I have to find a way to increase my relative advantage the more I play, instead of the game cheating npcs spawned with my relative strenght without any effort whatsoever.

I was the guy who traded for months, helped planets, made a fortune in good opportunities. I was the guy who liberated systems. I was the guy who killed the dominators alone using hit and run tactics with my rocket launchers. I collected the nodes, turn them in and bought micromodules. Ive spent hours searching the market for low size parts high tech parts.... My hard work enduring the challenges of the world, surviving, getting stronger and more powerfull.

Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.
"Тройной ореон" за почётное второе место в стихотворном конкурсе "Романтика космоса - 2""Орден Дзухаллага" за лучший дебют на чемпионате "Квестомания""Орден Быка" за почётное третье место в чемпионате "Расхититель Гробниц"
"Орден Быка" за третье место в чемпионате по КР2 "Вторжение"."Орден Почётного Легиона" за активное участие в жизни форума свыше 1000 дней!Почётный "Калкитовый наконечник" за блестящую победу в чемпионате "Красная машина".
Почетный "Орден Единения" за блестящую организацию и проведение творческих конкурсов и викторин."Орден быка" за третье место в чемпионате "Зов судьбы"."Красный пантеон" за долгую и плодотворную работу в составе различных комиссий этого форума!
"Помутневшая клисанская рИгалия" — лучшему рейнджеру 2011 года, занявшему первое место в общесоревновательном рейтинге. Поздравляю, Yuuki! ;)"Медаль Элитной Охраны" — за выдающиеся заслуги перед форумом!"Зелёная миля" — награда почётному судье творческих конкурсов!
"Карта мира" — переходящая награда за первое место в рейтинге знатоков."Звезда Эгемона". Редчайшая награда Галактического Совета. Выдана за выдающиеся заслуги перед Форумом и за форумный стаж свыше 2000 дней"Помутневшая клисанская рИгалия" — лучшему рейнджеру 2013 года, занявшему первое место в общесоревновательном рейтинге. Поздравляю, Yuuki! ;)
"Символ Творца" — переходящая награда за первое место в творческом рейтинге
Offline Yuuki

Pokryschkin ist in der Luft!
Сообщений: 7109
Карма: 1778 Известность: 5395

« Ответ #7 : 22.12.2009 03:46:15 »
I was the guy who traded for months, helped planets, made a fortune in good opportunities. I was the guy who liberated systems. I was the guy who killed the dominators alone using hit and run tactics with my rocket launchers. I collected the nodes, turn them in and bought micromodules. Ive spent hours searching the market for low size parts high tech parts.... My hard work enduring the challenges of the world, surviving, getting stronger and more powerfull.
That is common to every SR-player... ;)
Well, I've figured out your needs, but still can't help you. Hope our programmers will find time to answer all your questions. :gamer:
Please, try to avoid all these words here, since it's strictly prohibited!
Бессрочное "Чёрное сердце" за мат.
Offline nctr

Сообщений: 667
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« Ответ #8 : 22.12.2009 10:18:31 »
Just need to know what files to open, with wich program, and where to change.
the only way to change npc-related heresy - edit main game executable file
so disassembler in the hand
and go, go, go... :wall:
but where to change - чёрт god knows
Offline sbach2o

Сообщений: 9
Карма: 345 Известность: 109

« Ответ #9 : 22.12.2009 14:17:26 »
sbach2o, oh, man, you are just lagging yourself behind using that junk like: desintegrators and turbogravirs!!! The "hardboiled" ;) players recommend using looted dominators' stuff - weapons of mass destruction: vertixes and IMHO-9000. To get this stuff you should:

You have to get these first, and they should be reasonable size (although I have a couple of Turing MMs which help). I have yet to see a vertix that is below a size 180 (I am playing Reboot).

1. wear special artefact 'blast wave localizer'

I have that always equipped in my combat outfit.

2. wait for the 6-th galaxy techno-level (to know this - use a cheat 'vertix' and see the level of that vertix; this level is the same of galaxy's);

Good tip.

3. 'stip off' the ecventor or urgant (which possesses the desired vertix or IMHO) using anti-dom progs;

According to Reboot patchnotes, Alarm Signal never causes Vertix or IMHO to drop any more. I use Alarm Signal a lot, but not only on Equentors or Urgants. Anyway, I never got these goodies when I tried, which wasn't too often (because, see note below).

4. save/load changing days and circumstances of the ecventor death, until it gives you the so desired vertix or IMHO-9000.

I do not like to cheat in this way, unless I am really badly struggling in my game. I am not at all struggling, so...

In earlier game phases (difficulty=hard) you should use:
from 3300 - 3304/06 - missile-launchers;

I always use missile launcher as starting equipment, it takes some time for them to appear in shops. In my game it was year three, after I had spent a grueling year defending a single system from Dominator attack, using my starting hull and my one launcher. The rest of the weapons was mainly used to mine asteroids to make money for the reloads and repairs.

I saw some tip that you could get missile launchers in shops earlier, possibly even at the start of the game, but I did not understand how. Maybe through some relaxed difficulty settings in the right area?

from 3306 - 3309/12 - multiresonators or atomic visions;

Again, you can only reliably get a good number of these early by save-reload cheating, and I do not like that. I know that being in the 3330yish years is very slow when finishing the game and experienced players probably do it routinely in less than half the time. But hurrying so and doing all it takes isn't so much my style.

Also, you shouldn't waste you time chasing shops for better purchase - forget it!!! :wise: Let a pirate/warrior/passenger/trader/dominator provide you with the better equipment you can ever buy. :evil: Hope you get what I mean? ;)

Regarding weapons this is true, especially the higher tech energy weapons. Kill Pirates (or other ships) for these. You could also stay near the combat zone in Dominator battles where coalition battleships fight and die, and be ready to scoop up the spoils.

Pigamar and Myoplasmic equipment is rare to none-existant in Pirate kills and gives a much needed boost to combat ability. Unfortunately, it is also rare in shops.

The nice thing about Reboot is that it remembers the numbers entered into the different search forms, so I can do a quick scan regularly without too much hassle. I make it a point to do a search for equipment in slots where I am missing out a couple of times per game year.

Also, Dominator equipment is good for standard weapons, if the size/performance ratio is right. Every MM can be used to enhance dominator equipment regardless of manufacturer race constraints.

Цитата: Yuuki
Is that confirmed fact?

Thanks, a good reason not to cheat except for testing purposes.


In my above post my actual point was that you can stay competitive with equipment that is looking mediocre. Pirates run in terror from me, even when they are fully loaded with Universed disintegrators (this is anexaggeration, these pirates need some persuading). I got problems when they have good shields and a high armor rating while I had a debilitating disease. The mediocre waepons have then problems to pierce through all that protection plus a good droid.

The right MMs help, the Launchers are Antifayed and Zzeniad,  I have good MMs in most od the fragment weapons. However, equipment with missile/beam weapon damage bonuses from space station stores is very helpful, if not crucial.

Цитата: Jack798
Also, when I used a cheat, I didnt used the in-game cheats. I hacked the game myself to confirm the "level scalling". The game calculates the value of your equipped items and the money you have available. Even if you have the crappiest hull with the minimum equippment, if you give yourself one million the game will start spawning npcs with average 1000 hull, this in march 3300.

Wow, just... damn. So after doing 25 planetary battle you'll have some 10 million cr available, unless you find a good way to burn all that. The rewards of those planetary battles are really imbalanced. The last one netted me in excess of 2 million. I am not sure how many I played in my current game, though. I do not take the other missions so regularly, because they usually require me to get out of my way to accomplish. I have still done a good number of them, even escort and bounty missions. Their typical rewards are in the range of 100 to 200K at the same stage of the game.
"Тройной ореон" за почётное второе место в стихотворном конкурсе "Романтика космоса - 2""Орден Дзухаллага" за лучший дебют на чемпионате "Квестомания""Орден Быка" за почётное третье место в чемпионате "Расхититель Гробниц"
"Орден Быка" за третье место в чемпионате по КР2 "Вторжение"."Орден Почётного Легиона" за активное участие в жизни форума свыше 1000 дней!Почётный "Калкитовый наконечник" за блестящую победу в чемпионате "Красная машина".
Почетный "Орден Единения" за блестящую организацию и проведение творческих конкурсов и викторин."Орден быка" за третье место в чемпионате "Зов судьбы"."Красный пантеон" за долгую и плодотворную работу в составе различных комиссий этого форума!
"Помутневшая клисанская рИгалия" — лучшему рейнджеру 2011 года, занявшему первое место в общесоревновательном рейтинге. Поздравляю, Yuuki! ;)"Медаль Элитной Охраны" — за выдающиеся заслуги перед форумом!"Зелёная миля" — награда почётному судье творческих конкурсов!
"Карта мира" — переходящая награда за первое место в рейтинге знатоков."Звезда Эгемона". Редчайшая награда Галактического Совета. Выдана за выдающиеся заслуги перед Форумом и за форумный стаж свыше 2000 дней"Помутневшая клисанская рИгалия" — лучшему рейнджеру 2013 года, занявшему первое место в общесоревновательном рейтинге. Поздравляю, Yuuki! ;)
"Символ Творца" — переходящая награда за первое место в творческом рейтинге
Offline Yuuki

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« Ответ #10 : 22.12.2009 17:34:41 »
'stip off' the ecventor
*stRip off :shy:
I have yet to see a vertix that is below a size 180 (I am playing Reboot).
Doubt you can legally find one. :) But you can get IMHO (H-level) size (40) from Terron, but it's not as easy as it sounds.
According to Reboot patchnotes, Alarm Signal never causes Vertix or IMHO to drop any more.
I didn't mean that. I just wanted to say that you should strip them from all the rest of their equipment, because that equipment (if present) lowers the possibility of vertix drop after ecventor's extermination. But when stripped they leave vertixes/IMHOs more willingly. :D
I always use missile launcher as starting equipment, it takes some time for them to appear in shops.
You shouldn't wait for their appearence in shops, but in slots of nearby hulls! :evil:
I saw some tip that you could get missile launchers in shops earlier, possibly even at the start of the game, but I did not understand how.
I doubt you will use that tactics since it's rather bothersome - the point is - in monotonous starting map generation. Due to my experience it takes really much time to get what you want unless of course you play 50% difficulty. :)
Again, you can only reliably get a good number of these early by save-reload cheating, and I do not like that.
You are mistaken. There is no save/load - there is only an Alarm Signal. ;)
I know that being in the 3330yish
By the way, when in 3300-ies never refuse the initial help. Thus you can easily pick up several thousands credits via trading, since the prices become really tempting.
The last one netted me in excess of 2 million
Little hint - while accepting the planetary battle mission lay off all your present artefacts onto the planet storehouse. After fulfilling the mission you'd get a little bit more credits.
Offline sbach2o

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« Ответ #11 : 23.12.2009 12:38:22 »
According to Reboot patchnotes, Alarm Signal never causes Vertix or IMHO to drop any more.
I didn't mean that. I just wanted to say that you should strip them from all the rest of their equipment, because that equipment (if present) lowers the possibility of vertix drop after ecventor's extermination. But when stripped they leave vertixes/IMHOs more willingly. :D 
Again, you can only reliably get a good number of these early by save-reload cheating, and I do not like that.
You are mistaken. There is no save/load - there is only an Alarm Signal. ;)

Now, this makes sense, thanks for the tip.

I always use missile launcher as starting equipment, it takes some time for them to appear in shops.
You shouldn't wait for their appearence in shops, but in slots of nearby hulls! :evil:

It is hard to be sure, when early game you are going without a scanner to keep room free for cargo, but I think appearance in shops and other ships happens at about the same time. I do not have too many games behind my belt, but buying at a shop has been the more reliable way to get my second and third missile launcher. Eventually, pirate kills will provide the perfect size 10, techlevel 4 specimens, but it takes time. Less so, if you have more missile launchers equipped when doing the killing (although missiles have that tendency to destroy loot).
But we are derailing this topic. I think it is really sad, that your personal wealth plays such a seemingly huge role in how NPCs spawn and maybe how the galaxy develops. I think that after a few RTS missions, these become the most lucrative occupation in the game by far. That could make taking them or refusing them a tool by which the player is steering the game balance. This is wrong. Only the player's preferences for or against this mini-game and his need for in-game cash should determine whether he plays a given mission.

I wish I knew how the balance in the coalition vs. dominator war is affected by this, it has always bothered me more than how the pirates are outfitted. Since equipment of coalition battleships should be selected by the same rules, the dominator war is probably also affected.

"Тройной ореон" за почётное второе место в стихотворном конкурсе "Романтика космоса - 2""Орден Дзухаллага" за лучший дебют на чемпионате "Квестомания""Орден Быка" за почётное третье место в чемпионате "Расхититель Гробниц"
"Орден Быка" за третье место в чемпионате по КР2 "Вторжение"."Орден Почётного Легиона" за активное участие в жизни форума свыше 1000 дней!Почётный "Калкитовый наконечник" за блестящую победу в чемпионате "Красная машина".
Почетный "Орден Единения" за блестящую организацию и проведение творческих конкурсов и викторин."Орден быка" за третье место в чемпионате "Зов судьбы"."Красный пантеон" за долгую и плодотворную работу в составе различных комиссий этого форума!
"Помутневшая клисанская рИгалия" — лучшему рейнджеру 2011 года, занявшему первое место в общесоревновательном рейтинге. Поздравляю, Yuuki! ;)"Медаль Элитной Охраны" — за выдающиеся заслуги перед форумом!"Зелёная миля" — награда почётному судье творческих конкурсов!
"Карта мира" — переходящая награда за первое место в рейтинге знатоков."Звезда Эгемона". Редчайшая награда Галактического Совета. Выдана за выдающиеся заслуги перед Форумом и за форумный стаж свыше 2000 дней"Помутневшая клисанская рИгалия" — лучшему рейнджеру 2013 года, занявшему первое место в общесоревновательном рейтинге. Поздравляю, Yuuki! ;)
"Символ Творца" — переходящая награда за первое место в творческом рейтинге
Offline Yuuki

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« Ответ #12 : 23.12.2009 18:07:08 »
it has always bothered me more than how the pirates are outfitted. Since equipment of coalition battleships should be selected by the same rules, the dominator war is probably also affected.
Every coalition ship is immediately equipped with the new technics as soon as it leaves the planet with the highest technical level than the equipment of that ship.
Dominators, once obtain their equipment, retain it till their extermination.

That's is why you should seek for the planets with the highest possible t-level and hunt down the weakest coalition ships with the updated stuff. When equipped in "the proper style" :crazy: start your war against dominators. The earlier you begin the better result you obtain in the end! ;)
Offline Sing_In_Silence

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« Ответ #13 : 23.07.2010 13:52:14 »
The English part of the forum doesn't have much turnover, so I believe (hope, actually) that my 'archeology' is okay.
If not, I apologize.

2. ... (to know [the galaxy's tech level] - use a cheat 'vertix' and see the level of that vertix; this level is the same of galaxy's);

Good to know, thanks.

3. 'stip off' the ecventor or urgant (which possesses the desired vertix or IMHO) using anti-dom progs;

Huh, hadn't thought of that. Thanks :P


... combat zone in Dominator battles where coalition battleships fight and die,

Is it just me, or are the Coalition ships very bad at concentrating their fire?  :wall:
So they'll lose even liberations that they could / should win, but I have to be there to coordinate or they'll all die, unless they're a lot stronger than the Dominators in the system.  :scolding:

(This on hard / hardboiled, early game.
Obviously less so when the GTU rises.)

If it's just me, what am I doing wrong?
If it's not just me, is there anything that can be done about it, aside from personally being at every battle?


Little hint - while accepting the planetary battle mission...

Oh, nice.
Didn't know that either.


I was the guy who traded for months, helped planets, made a fortune in good opportunities. I was the guy who liberated systems. I was the guy who killed the dominators alone using hit and run tactics with my rocket launchers. I collected the nodes, turn them in and bought micromodules. Ive spent hours searching the market for low size parts high tech parts.... My hard work enduring the challenges of the world, surviving, getting stronger and more powerfull.
That is common to every SR-player... ;)

So true. :|

the only way to change npc-related heresy - edit main game executable file
so disassembler in the hand
and go, go, go... :wall:
but where to change - чёрт god knows

This makes me so sad.
Good to know, though.
Thanks. :(
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